Download Objektorientierte Methoden für Informationssysteme: by Stefano Spaccapietra, Christine Parent, Marcos Sunye, Kokou PDF

By Stefano Spaccapietra, Christine Parent, Marcos Sunye, Kokou Yétongnon (auth.), Heinrich C. Mayr, Roland Wagner (eds.)

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Read Online or Download Objektorientierte Methoden für Informationssysteme: Fachtagung der GI-Fachgruppe EMISA, Klagenfurt, 7.–9. Juni 1993 PDF

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Extra info for Objektorientierte Methoden für Informationssysteme: Fachtagung der GI-Fachgruppe EMISA, Klagenfurt, 7.–9. Juni 1993

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Nevertheless, real-world goals or interests influence the thematic scope to a large extent. Therefore we use the concept of "object perspectives" [cf. TiBen 1991]. g. g. looking for project partners). From the user's point of view a perspective describes the relevant information space in a given dialogue situation. This includes the possibilities to navigate to specific information objects within this space. The system's definition of a perspective marks the relevant information space of the database - including relations of the central information object to other objects and their attributes.

A high probability P(D ->Q) indicates that D is relevant with respect to Q. The purpose of presenting information objects as a response to a query in a retrieval dialogue is twofold: First, to inform the user about the retrieved data, second, to convince him that the system's reaction is relevant to the query, and, as a consequence, to the user's information need. As the data are organized as a complex structure additional information must be conveyed. As 4. We use the keyword ACCESS since we allow arbitrary method calls in the query.

Zeichnen, verschieben, anklicken, .. zeichnen, verschieben, anklicken, .. lesen, schreiben, ... zeichnen, bewegen, kollidieren, ... aktivieren, verrogem, ... Tabelle 1 Systeme mit heterogenen Datenstrukturen 5. h. solcher Bausteine, die mit verschiedenen Arten von Daten arbeiten konnen. Betrachten wir ein Beispiel. Nehmen wir an, wir hiitten einen Baustein zur Speicherung einer Namenmenge mittels Operationen wie Include und Exclude. Der Baustein ist spezifisch ffir Namen ausgelegt. Man kann in ihm zum Beispiel keine geometrischen Punkte speichern.

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