Download DGOR: Papers of the 10th Annual Meeting/Vorträge der 10. by Volkmar Steinecke (auth.), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fleischmann, PDF

By Volkmar Steinecke (auth.), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fleischmann, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bloech, Prof. Dr. Günter Fandel, Dipl.-Math. Olaf Seifert, Dr. Heinz Weber (eds.)

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5) No particular ordering of the arcs is foreseen in the out-of-kilter method. During the bringing into-kilter of an out-of-kilter arc, all other arcs which were in-kilter at the start of this procedure. remain in-kilter. 3) can become a minimal cost assignment without restriction, in that the remaining out-of-kilter arcs can be brought into kilter with the standard method. Modified Out-Of-Kilter Procedure. 1. 2) 2. Bring the return circulation arc into-kilter and leave the other outof-~ilter arcs in the state "out-of-kilter".

Many of the important differences between the reports stem from the different risk concepts used. Some reports do not even define their underlying risk concepts. However, there is a concept of risk that involves several measures, each based on both probabilities of failures and consequences of failures, that is judged to be superior to other less comprehensive risk concepts. , contract no. 321/7591/RGB 8001. While support for this work is gratefully acknowledged, the views expressed are the authors' own, and are not necessarily shared by the sponsor.

Fairley and F. ). London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Keeney, Ralph, Ram Kulkarni, and Keshavan Nair. 1979. "A Risk Analysis of an LNG Terminal", Omega 7: 191-205. , and JOanne Linnerooth. 1981. "The Role of Risk Assessment in a Political Decision Process", IIASA Working Paper WP-81-119, Laxenburg,Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, September. W. Lathrop. 1981. "Assessment and Comparison of Liquefied Energy Gas Terminal Risk", IIASA Working Paper WP-81-98, Laxenburg, Austria: IIASA, July.

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