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By John E. Drabinski, Marisa Parham

This edited assortment gathers jointly major commentators at the paintings of Édouard Glissant that allows you to theorize the philosophical importance of his paintings.

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Nonetheless, from a rhetorical point of view, the pll1]Jose of poetic citation remains unclear. The contents neither patently SUppOli nor complement the theoretical argument, in the way 1 intend my citations above to. Nor does Glissant's cOlllinentary require the audience's familiarity with the poetly at issue. At most, the COllliTIentmy reprises the language of the citations or vice versa. For example, on Bonnefoy's Douve: Le soleil tournera, de sa vive agonie Illuminant le lieu où tout fut dévoilé.

Nonetheless, the writer who would 'muer le cri en parole' (move a people's cry into word) (44) must essay this gambit in hopes of capturing the potential 'force' and 'avantage' of 'la conscience dédoublée' (split consciousness) (37); such force may propellanguage to manifest and thus vindicate a moment of a people's duration. 9 Glissant appoints his people with this intention: '[NJous avons autre destin ... et qu'il faut, dépassant ce voeu lui-même, ce cri lui-même, cette passion, établir avec rigueur et minutie le détail de notre avoir dépossédé, préparer avec poids le moment de la sagacité libérée dans notre telTe (enfin commune)' ([WJe have another destiny ...

As we see, the scaffolding of these relations between poetry and philosophy and ethics requires Glissant's heterodox reading. After aU, Char's line does not suggest a perpetuaI, continuaI rebüih of the present (in perception) on the 44 Seanna Sumalee Oakley augmenting accumulation of the past, as Glissant implies throughout the essay. Nor does the allegorical quality and function of nature in Char's quotations convincingly reflect Bergson's notion of the shared perceptional threshold of the body and mind, subject and object, that Glissant alludes to when he affinns that Char' s shark and gull cOlnmunicate and commune 'par le partage, en l'être, de la nature' (by the sharing, in being, of nature) (82).

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