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By Laura Perna

The aim of this paintings is to track the procedures that led and proceed to steer to the formation of the treaty norms acceptable in non-international armed conflicts. If the aim of humanitarian legislation is to accomplish a stability among army necessity and humanitarian issues and to avoid pointless discomfort and destruction, humanitarian legislations principles will be both appropriate to either foreign and inner armed conflicts. while, besides the fact that, there are a major variety of treaty provisions acceptable to foreign armed conflicts, only a few provisions are in particular designed to control non-international armed conflicts regardless of the dramatic elevate within the variety of such conflicts. The research investigates the explanations in the back of the variations through analysing, inter alia, questions corresponding to: the place does the foreign legislations of inner armed conflicts come from? Why did it evolve otherwise from the legislations regulating overseas armed conflicts? the place is the foreign legislations of inner armed conflicts going?

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Additional info for The Formation of the Treaty Law of Non-International Armed Conflicts (International Humanitarian Law Series, 14)

Sample text

P. 24. The Evolution ofthe Concept ofNon-InternationalArmed Conflicts 27 "II ri ya rien dans la monarchie que les lois, la religion et l' honneur prescrivent tant que l' obeissance aux volontes du prince: mais cet honneur nous dicte que Ie prince ne doitjamais nous prescrire une action qui nous dishonore, parce qu' elle nous rendroit incapables de Ie servir'. 106 This means that the sovereign could not order actions that would be regarded as dishonourable, such as committing atrocities during the conduct of hostilities.

P. 183- 4 5 From the Lieber Code to the Drafting ofCommon Art. 3 ofthe Geneva Conventions 2. 31 The American civil war and the Lieber Code During the American civil war, as a result of the recognition of belligerency, 8 both sides were expected to respect the laws ofwar. 9 The contribution of the code to the evolution of the law ofwar in non-international armed conflicts is evident considering that the Lieber code represents the proftssionalisation and formalisation of the law of war. This appears from the fact that the code was made by qualified officers and jurists in order to lay down a set of rwes which could be externally enforced.

When public wars lacked one of these requirements, they were called less solemn and could be waged against private men: "Public war, according to the law of nations, is either solemn, that is formal, or less solemn, that is informal. , pp. 9-12. (Emphasis added). , 1he rights ofwar andpeace (Book I), M. Walter Dunne, London 1979, pp. 55-56. , p. 56. I8 Chapter I law of nations, two things are necessary. In the first place it must be made on both sides, by the sovereign power of the state, and in the next place it must be accompanied with certain formalities.

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