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By Naita Hishoono ... [et al.].

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Even before independence in 1990, the government of then South West Africa began considering plans for new energy projects in the country. One of the proposed ideas was a new hydroelectric dam on the Kunene River, one of Namibia’s ¿ve perennial rivers, that acts as 39 a natural border between Namibia and Angola. This scheme was carried over at Namibia’s independence, and in 1991 government seriously started looking at the construction of a dam at Epupa, on the Kunene River. The proposed Epupa Dam would Àood approximately 190 square kilometres of land on the Namibian side of the river.

Unfortunately, there are still people in privileged positions that do not want to meet others half-way. We do not want to ¿ght for economic reconciliation anymore, we have already done this. 50 $UWLFOH  VWLSXODWHV WKDW WKH RI¿FLDO ODQJXDJH VKRXOG EH (QJOLVK 'R \RX WKLQN WKDW WKH XVDJHRI(QJOLVKLVDEHQH¿WRUDOLDELOLW\IRUWKHPDMRULW\RIWKH1DPLELDQSHRSOH" The fact that English is Namibia’s of¿cial language is an advantage to those that have the opportunity to study and to receive a good education.

And it is true that with greater knowledge comes greater responsibility, and this is what gives any democracy its depth and meaning. When looking back in 2030 over the course of the ¿rst 40 years of Namibia and the Namibian Constitution, it would be interesting to see to what extent society has become infused with the underlying values of the constitutional order and whether, at that stage, Namibians would be able to look back and say that challenges have been overcome within the spirit of mutual respect and decency, the culture that the human rights provisions in the Constitution are intended to impart.

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