Download Movement and Dance in Early Childhood, 2nd Edition (Zero to by Mollie Davies PDF

By Mollie Davies

The e-book seeks to assist early early life educators and oldsters in very useful methods and offers information in line with a legitimate theoretical knowing.

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These may lead the movement as the head does when ‘being a plane’ or where hands go first to meet the ground on the way to a handstand. Parts of the body may be given a role of importance and highlighted as in the way the hands wave or the feet tap dance. Highlighting the varied use of body parts is natural for children at early stages of learning and an important experience for both skilled and inventive performance. So, too, is the restricting of body parts, a limitation which children often impose upon themselves.

Bethany’s confidence is clearly returning. To move appropriately is a sign of development Acting appropriately means being able to respond to perceived needs in the most suitable manner. This is particularly relevant in the case of movement. While young sisters and brothers regularly see the ways in which adults successfully handle a newcomer in the family unit, it is interesting to observe that an appropriate selection of movement ingredients is not always readily available to them. This is because they are still developing their own personal framework of movement and can sometimes only manage to ‘approximate’ to what is needed in specific situations and at particular times.

When this rhythmic play becomes well established the baby begins to anticipate the process and share its distinctive patterning. qxd 14-Jan-03 38 5:30 PM Page 38 MOVEMENT AND DANCE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Another well-known rhythmical game begins the other way round with the baby being lifted into the air with a strong, emphatic flourish which gradually fades away to nothing as he or she is lowered with decreasing speed and force. This movement pattern which explodes and gradually diminishes, again often accompanied by sound, is an example of impulsive movement.

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