Download Esophageal Cancer: Principles and Practice by Blair A. Jobe, MD, Charles R. Thomas, Jr., John G. Hunter PDF

By Blair A. Jobe, MD, Charles R. Thomas, Jr., John G. Hunter

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In some cases, the stenotic esophageal walls contain tracheobronchial remnants such as respiratory epithelium or hyaline cartilage, which indicate associated abnormalities of lineage. Esophageal duplication is a rare condition occurring in 1 in 8,000 live births. They present as cystic or tubular, resulting as an abnormality of the epithelial, submucosal, or muscular layers. 6), which do not communicate with the luminal space. These structures can be lined with different types of epithelium, such as squamous, cuboidal, or pseudostratified and gastric mucosa, and can present with intracystic hemorrhages.

This chapter details esophageal anatomy and places its principal components into clinical context. ANATOMIC LANDMARKS The esophagus is a flattened muscular tube of 18 to 26 cm in length, from the upper sphincter to the lower sphincter, connecting the pharynx to the stomach. The esophagus starts at approximately 18 cm from the incisors at the pharyngoesophageal junction (C5–6 vertebral interspace at the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage) and descends anteriorly to the vertebral column spanning the superior and then the posterior mediastinum (1).

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