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By A. R. W. Harrison

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Ath. Pol. 45. -LLwaaL Kat l)1jaaL Kat aTTOK7"E'vaL. Cf. Bo. Sm. i. 335 ff. e exact date at which the boule lost these powers; Aristotle gIves no clue, but It was certainly before the time which concerns us. ral kInd such as to discharge his duties in the best interests of the state (Lys. d. I), at le~st one specific undertaking, not to detain a man who produced bail save In cases allIed to treason or cases of fiscal default: Dem. 24 Timokr. 144 0,,1)€ 01}C1W l181]vatwv ovoEva, O~ uv tlyyv1]'Tas rp£is Ka8LuTfj TO aUTO -rEADs TEAovvTas, 1T>"~V tInv TLS' £17'1.

Le to variOUStyp:s of process. ed rather ~s exempli gratia than as excluding other vaguely SImIlar acts. It IS true that Hyper. 3 Euxen. agamst orators, it is not available against all Athemans mdlscnmmately. ) Hypereides uses the exactly opposite thesis, that the spmt rather than the letter of the law is what should count. "With this caveat in mind we can say that the law named the following grounds for impeachment: • • 2 I. Attempt to overthrow the constltutIOn. I I 2 E7TL For the dating of the law Bo.

H. 328 F 199, with Jacoby's commentary. 7 evidence from the orators the evidence of the grammarians is important. I The verb ELaayy€AAEtV (with its cognate ELaaYYEMa) has both a general sense 'report', 'give information about', and a technical sense of initiating the legal procedure of that name, for which the best translation is 'impeach'. 3 I Harpokr. v. EluayyE},{a describes three types, of which only the first concerns us here: ;, fLEV yap E7T'/. p1¢~v ELaayyE},La fJ;E7"aAa{3w 7"E7"aK7"aL ETTL7"WV aypa¢wv 7"~TE ~ap XL},~a, KaL rAn, EK7"{VE~.

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