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By Filip Van Tricht

In 1204 the military of the Fourth campaign sacked the good urban of Constantinople. In prior historiography the view prevailed that those Western barons and knights briefly destroyed the Byzantine nation and changed it with a chain of feudal states in their personal making. via a finished rereading of higher and lesser-known assets this publication deals an alternate point of view arguing that the Latin rulers didn't abolish, yet very consciously desired to proceed the japanese Empire. during this, the recent imperial dynasty coming from Flanders-Hainaut performed a pivotal position. regardless of non secular and different changes many Byzantines sided with the recent regime and administrative practices on the diversified governmental degrees have been to a bigger or lesser measure maintained.

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Doubtless, a number of these families settled in Nicaea and Epiros, without however appearing in the sources, and doubtless some travelled to Bulgaria and to the Seljuk Sultanate of Konya, as Nicolas Mesarites indicates. A number of other families must have lost their prominent societal position either prior to 1204 or as the result of the upheaval of 1204, which explains their absence from the sources. An analysis of the provenance of the available source material that provides information about the ruling elite of the different political entities in the Byzantine space for the period 1204–1224 perhaps makes it possible to create a hypothesis about the fate of a considerable number of these approximately one hundred and fifteen families that, after 1204, are ‘invisible’.

598–600). For a member of the Angelos family in Constantinople circa 1228: cf. Chapter III, note 216. 65 Cf. Chapter VI, p. 320. 66 Cf. Chapter IV, pp. 158–159. 67 As has been seen, Niketas Choniates stayed in Salymbria and Constantinople in the years 1204–1206, subsequently leaving for Nicaea (Kazhdan, Niketas Choniates, p. 428; various recent contributions on Choniates’ work as a historian and as a writer in: Simpson & Eftymiadis, Niketas Choniates, passim). His brother Michael Choniates, metropolitan of Athens, in 1205 went into exile on the isle of Kea, on the Attican coast, and in 1217 entered the Joannes Prodromos monastery at Bodonitza, which was under Latin rule.

Blöndal, The Varangians of Byzantium, p. 141. Kazhdan & Epstein, Change in Byzantine Culture, p. 173. Ciggaar, Flemish mercenaries in Byzantium, pp. 44–75. 9 Lilie, Byzantium and the Crusader States, Oxford, 1993. Phillips, Defenders of the Holy Land, Oxford, 1996. 10 Moreover, there was special attention for the wonders and riches of the capital Constantinople in particular. Apart from that, there prevailed a number of stereotypical prejudices with regard to the Byzantines, which stemmed originally from the literature of the classic antiquity: they were cowardly, wicked and haughty.

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