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By Gerald Jay Sussman;Jack Wisdom

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5 Dimensional Analysis 17 Planck’s constant and the electronic mass, me ) and the Coulomb forces (which involve the proton and electron charge ±e) are the main actors in determining the state of solids, we conclude that solid-state properties would depend in general on , e, and me . 419 × 10−17 s. Usually, it is more convenient to use the triad , me , aB , instead of the triad , me , e. 27 External conditions such as the temperature T and to a lesser degree the pressure P may influence the properties of solids28 as well.

20, pp. 59–63. • Eisberg & Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles [Q23], pp. 6–21. 2 Basic Principles in Action Summary. Atoms come close together, (at a distance of the order of Angstroms) to form molecules and solids, because by doing so, they lower their total energy; faithful to Heisenberg’s principle, they undergo small oscillations around their fixed equilibrium positions. 529 ˚ atomic mass, ma , and the temperature, T , through dimensional analysis, allow us to estimate the values of several quantities pertaining to the solid state of matter, such as density, cohesive energy, bulk modulus, sound velocity, melting temperature, etc.

1). 5s). The atomic radius is not a uniquely defined quantity and it cannot be measured accurately experimentally. 8 are the ones where the most external occupied orbital has its maximum density. Consequently, there is nonzero electronic density beyond Rα , although it is gradually tailing off to zero. 2 Why do Atoms Come Together to Form Molecules and Solids? 23 Fig. 1. Dimensionless radius of atoms, Ra , vs. their atomic number, Z. 8. 12). Compare Figs. 2. , quantities of fundamental importance by themselves and necessary for understanding the properties of molecules and solids.

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