Download Spell Law of Mentalism (Rolemaster Companion) by Coleman S. Charlton PDF

By Coleman S. Charlton

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Also requires the use of the other Suspend Life I (on the Blood Mastery list). 12. Nerve Repair True — As Major Nerve Repair, except that recovery is instantaneous. 13. Organ Transplant — Allows caster to transplant a healthy organ (not including brain or nervous system) into the target. Requires a 1 hour operation. Recovery time is 1-10 days. There is a chance that the target’s body will reject the new bone: 10% if bone is from the same race as the target, 50% is the bone is from a similiar race.

Mind’s Lore VII — As Mind’s Lore I, except chance is 70% for each bit of knowledge. , ❑ 25) Learn Language V ❑ 30) Mind's Lore True ❑ 50) Learn Language True caster 1 target caster C self 1 rnd/lvl(C) 50' C self U Fm U 20. Study True — As Study I, except caster can read as fast as he can glance at a page. 25. Learn Language V — As Learn Language II, except rate is five times normal (and five ranks for every one). 30. Mind’s Lore True — As Mind’s Lore I, except all knowledge is obtained. 50. Learn Language True — If the caster has access to a being that knows a certain language, he can learn the language as well as the given being knows it.

Nerve/Organ Lore — Caster acquires complete understanding of any nerve and/or organ damage; including the tools and methods required for healing; caster does not receive the skill or power necessary to perform the cure. 2. Numbing — Allows caster to stop or reduce feeling in a specific area of the body (2 cu" per level). , -10 to actions). 3. Minor Nerve Repair — Allows caster to repair minor nerve damage. Recovery time is 1-10 days. Minor nerve damage is defined as any nerve damage that results in a penalty up to -20.

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