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By Henry Martyn Robert

This definitive version of the unique "Robert's" provides principles of order, motions, debate, behavior of commercial, and adjournment. All difficulties of carrying out a winning assembly easily and reasonably are resolved. From the Paperback edition.

summary: This definitive version of the unique "Robert's" provides principles of order, motions, debate, behavior of commercial, and adjournment. All difficulties of undertaking a winning assembly easily and reasonably are resolved. From the Paperback variation

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Extra info for Robert’s rules of order

Example text

Principal Motions 5. The Debate ARTICLE II—GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF MOTIONS. � 6. Principal or Main Motions 7. Subsidiary or Secondary Motions 8. Incidental Motions 9. Privileged Motions ARTICLE III—MOTIONS AND THEIR ORDER OF PRECEDENCE. Privileged Motions. � 10. To Fix the Time to which to Adjourn 11. Adjourn 12. Questions of Privilege 13. Orders of the Day Incidental Motions. 14. Appeal [Questions of Order] 15. Objection to the Consideration of a Question 16. Reading Papers 17. Withdrawal of a Motion 18.

A call for the orders of the day, a question of order (though not an appeal), or an objection to the consideration of the question [§§ 13, 14, 15], does not have to be seconded; and many questions of routine are not seconded or even made; the presiding officer merely announcing that, if no objection is made, such will be considered the action of the assembly. 4 Principal Motions. All Principal Motions [§ 6], Amendments and Instructions to Committees, should be in writing, if required by the presiding officer.

PART II ORGANIZATION AND CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. ARTICLE IX—ORGANIZATION AND MEETINGS. � 46. An Occasional or Mass Meeting. (a) Organization (b) Adoption of Resolutions (c) Committee on (d) Additional Officers 47. A Convention or Assembly of Delegates 48. A Permanent Society. (a) First Meeting (b) Second Meeting 49. Constitutions By-Laws Rules of Order and Standing Rules ARTICLE X—OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. � 50. President or Chairman 51. Secretary or Clerk and the Minutes 52. Treasurer 53. Committees ARTICLE XI—INTRODUCTION OF BUSINESS.

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