Download Educational Policies and Inequalities in Europe by Marc Demeuse, Daniel Frandji, David Greger, Jean-Yves Rochex PDF

By Marc Demeuse, Daniel Frandji, David Greger, Jean-Yves Rochex (eds.)

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This refers to his thesis on language codes that had been reinterpreted in terms of deficit and misérabiliste paradigms, far from the original intentions and arguments of its author who was constructing a relational sociological analysis about school inequality. Bibliography Scientific documents BERNSTEIN B. (1975). ‘Enseignement de compensation’. In idem, Langage et classes sociales. Codes socio-linguistiques et contrôle social. Paris: Les Éd. de Minuit, pp. 249–262. Initial version in English: ‘Education cannot compensate for society’, New Society, 1970, vol.

Pdf> (consulted on June 27, 2008). EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2004). Progress towards the common objectives in education and training. Indicators and benchmarks. pdf> (consulted on June 26, 2008). EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2006). Moderniser l’éducation et la formation: une contribution essentielle à la prospérité et à la cohésion sociale en Europe [Modernising education and training: an essential contribution to prosperity and social cohesion in Europe]. Joint progress report by the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the work programme ‘Éducation et formation 2010’ [‘Education and training 2010’].

Cécile Vigour (2005) denounces the proliferation of ‘false comparisons’, one form of which would be ‘contrasting monographs without any attempt of an in-depth synthesis’. Likewise, Marilyn Osborn (2007) notes how comparative international research, by its very nature, can be subject to more methodological compromises than single studies, creating the tendency for many researchers to adopt either a ‘safari’ approach or that of the ‘lonely horseman’. In the first, ‘one scholar or one nation’s team of scholars formulate the problem, create the research methodology, and carry out the study in more than one country’.

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