Download Computer music modeling and retrieval: International by Uffe K. Wiil PDF

By Uffe K. Wiil

This ebook constitutes the completely refereed post-proceedings of the foreign computing device track Modeling and Retrieval Symposium, CMMR 2003, held in Montpellier, France, in could 2003.

The 20 revised complete papers have been rigorously chosen in the course of rounds of reviewing and development. as a result of the interdisciplinary nature of the world, the papers handle a large number of issues together with details retrieval, programming, human-computer interplay, electronic libraries, hypermedia, synthetic intelligence, acoustics, sign processing, etc.  The publication comes with a CD-ROM offering supplementary fabric for the papers included.

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This seems the only way to catch the principles on which they are based on. Pioneering work in the field of instrumental music — the tuning of xylophones — has been conducted by Simha Arom since 1989, in Central Africa and in Indonesia [ [1, 2]]. The recent development of most sophisticated acoustical computerised equipment has enabled us to enlarge the framework of interactive experimentation by adapting it also to vocal music, be it monodic or polyphonic. For two years (2000-2002), a research-team leaded by Simha Arom studied the untempered scales used by the Bedzan Pygmies in their contrapuntal songs and by the Ouldeme in their hocket instrumental polyphony1.

Non-experts are given a default combination of metrics (standard matching mode), so that musical contents are matched with a well-balanced combination. The returned music scores are then presented to the user, together with their similarity degree with the input. The user can then select a music score from the list, observe its graphical representation, while simultaneously playing the music. 2 Loretta Diana, Goffredo Haus, and Maurizio Longari Musical Content Navigation (MCN) Module One of the key features of MAIS is the possibility of musical navigation by content.

Stucturing intervals of the Ouldeme scale 4 Conclusion Only such methods allow us to understand how the musicians conceive of their musical system, despite the fact that the foundations of the system are rather abstract and the result of a long process of music learning, through impregnation and imitation, starting from early childhood. By overcoming the absence of verbalisation, they place researchers and musicians on an equal footing around the musical material. They give to the investigator the opportunity to receive unequivocal answers to his questions, in such a manner that he may have gradually an in-depth understanding of how the natives conceive of their musical system.

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