By Michael I. Jeffery, Jeremy Firestone, Karen Bubna-Litic
This booklet offers an international viewpoint on biodiversity conservation and the upkeep of sustainable cultures. Contributions were gathered from students in each quarter of the area, and addresses concerns from the foreign, neighborhood, country-specific views. topics lined contain the heritage and significant executive constructions during this quarter; necessities to biodiversity conservation; biosecurity; and entry to and sharing of advantages from parts of biodiversity and their financial price.
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Extra info for Biodiversity Conservation, Law and Livelihoods: Bridging the North-South Divide: IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies
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28 Ibid. at 566. P1: IBE 9780521885034c01 CUFX194/Jeffery 978 0 521 88503 4 December 26, 2007 13:56 20 JOSEPH L. SAX Other Justices, although not taking quite so narrow a view, were equally wide of the mark. One of them, also equating injury with “studying or enjoying a species,” did not think it disqualifying that the plaintiffs had no return trip planned. Another felt that a zookeeper would have standing, despite physical distance from the project, because of a “professional nexus” to the species.
34 That case involved one of a number of pristine natural areas designated as wilderness study areas, where the law imposes a nonimpairment standard for management pending final legislative decision as to whether they will be designated as formal wilderness and given protection from all disturbing use and construction. A federal land management agency was mandated to administer those lands, keeping them unimpaired. In violation of this mandate the agency admittedly permitted impairment to occur by allowing recreational use of off-road machines known as all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).
Its role has evolved over time, and now CITES increasingly deals with species of great economic importance. The migratory species convention also took several years to become reality. The idea was to provide a framework for coordinated management by all range states of species that IUCN characterised as “shared resources,” a legal status that, at the time, did not meet with acceptance internationally. Nevertheless, the convention was adopted in Bonn in 1979. Its novelty was to provide for the negotiations of further agreements on species or groups of species that would benefit from concerted action between Range States.