By Nikolaos G. Georgopoulos
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The heat recovered from the fuel cell sub-system is used for water heating and space heating (Gunes and Ellis, 2001). 11 Total energy system concept with fuel cell, vapor compression heat pump, and absorption cooling unit. The heat recovered from the fuel cell sub-system is used for water heating, space heating, and absorption cooling (Gunes and Ellis, 2001). 12. It consists of a combined absorption/vapor compression heat pump sub-system. Both the space heating and cooling loads are exclusively supplied by the two heat pumps by using electricity and thermal energy available from the FCS.
E. 10. In this concept, a thermal storage tank is added to the system for better use of the available thermal energy. In particular, the thermal energy obtained from the FCS is transferred to the thermal storage tank, which in turn will supply the space and domestic water heating loads. The excess of thermal energy during periods of low thermal energy demand is 22 stored in the tank and is supplied to the residences during periods of high demand. However, the total thermal energy available from the storage tank may not be always sufficient for the residential space heating and hot water load demands.
As mentioned at the beginning of this section, the fuel cell based TES can be broken down into several sub-systems one of which is the FCS. There are a wide variety of FCS configurations in the literature. The present research work is focused on fuel cell sub-systems where the PEMFC technology described earlier in this chapter is coupled to the steam reforming of natural gas. 14. Based on this conceptual depiction, two of the numerous FCS configurations found in the literature are summarized below.