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By W. V. T. Rusch

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08051-6008-R0-00. , R e d o n d o Beach, California, November 1968. 6. Fradin, A. , " M i c r o w a v e A n t e n n a s , " C h a p t e r I I . Pergamon Press, New York, 1961. 7. Rusch, W . V. T . , Scattering from a hyperboloidal reflector in a Cassegrainian feed system. IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation AP-11, 414-421 (1963). 8. Siegel, K. M . , Bistatic r a d a r cross sections of surfaces of revolution. J. Appl. Phys. 26, 297 (1955). 9. Rusch, W . V . , Scattering of a spherical wave by an arbitrary truncated surface of revolution.

16. 12 Capture Area and Aperture Efficiency The physical aperture A v of an antenna is defined as the physical cross-sectional area of its aperture.

This physical interpretation of the far-zone field integrals can frequently provide useful insights into the radiation characteristics of a particular structure. The fields of Eqs. 61-16) Either of Eqs. 61-16) is a vector formulation of the "radiation condition" which requires that at great distances (1) the fields are diverging spherical waves, and (2) E(P) and H(P) are perpendicular to a# and to one another. These radiation conditions are explicitly assumed in the derivation of the original vector diffraction integrals, Eqs.

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