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By Trevor Munroe

Crucial fabric for first-year scholars in social sciences and for the overall reader attracted to the fundamentals of latest politics.

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The classic leader of this type would have been Jamaica’s Sir Alexander Bustamante. He both required and attracted such absolute support that you may have heard of the song, “We will follow Bustamante until we die”. In Trinidad and Tobago, Dr Eric Williams attracted a similar relationship of deference. The story goes that whenever he appointed a member of his Cabinet, the new member would be required to submit to him as leader an undated letter of resignation, so that if the minister of government stepped out of line, Williams would simply put in the date and the resignation would become effective.

This definition has become inadequate from an academic point of view because of the developments and changes in political life described below, and because it narrows down the “political” to only a concern with government. 31 32 An Introduction to Politics 1. In the last 100 years there has been an expansion of the right to vote and in the number of people who have the right to vote. Up until 40 years ago in Jamaica only about 5 percent (that is, one in every twenty) had the right to vote. Similarly, in England it was only in 1928 that the right to vote was extended to everybody – Universal Adult Suffrage.

He both required and attracted such absolute support that you may have heard of the song, “We will follow Bustamante until we die”. In Trinidad and Tobago, Dr Eric Williams attracted a similar relationship of deference. The story goes that whenever he appointed a member of his Cabinet, the new member would be required to submit to him as leader an undated letter of resignation, so that if the minister of government stepped out of line, Williams would simply put in the date and the resignation would become effective.

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