By Jens Evald
Alf Ross (1899-1979) was once a well known Danish criminal and ethical thinker, a pupil of foreign legislation, and one of many founding fathers of the so-called Scandinavian criminal realism. at the floor, the lifetime of Alf Ross could have been thought of a fairy story. Ross needed to struggle through trouble, either relating to love and paintings, prior to he grew to become an the world over recognized and famous thinker and felony pupil. yet, the tale of Alf Ross isn't a fairy story. it's the tale of a man's fight to greatness and the results of this type of fight in his courting with people, together with his wife. This booklet offers the private existence tale of Alf Ross.
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Grundtvig’s 1906 book, The Law on Purchase of 6th April 1906: with explanations and alphabetical index. The book came on the market in 1922 and was a slight volume of 122 pages. Alf Ross did not have an opportunity to write the preface, which was left to Professor Hans Munch-Petersen. On the outside, Else-Merete was happyWKLQNWKDW$OI5RVVµLVVXFKD¿QHPDQDOUHDG\¶EXWLQVWLQFWLYHVKH reactedµ+RZVWUDQJHLWPD\VRXQG,DPQRWTXLWHVDWLV¿HG7KHUHLVVRPHWKLQJ in me that asks: is this life?
Seventeen pages of graphs, mathematical formulae and calculations point directly to his subsequent way of dealing with matters of legal philosophy when he included mathematical formulae in his textbook On Law and Justice (1953). However, not everything was easily acquired: one evening in 1919 Arne Egeløv came visiting and they discussed a burning problem for Ross – individualism and VRFLDOLVP%XW$OI5RVVIRXQGLWGLI¿FXOWWRDSSO\ZKDWKHKDGUHDGLQGLVFXVsion. ‘How can I express the corpus of thoughts that burn within me?
It all depends on betting against WKHH[FKDQJHUDWH¶KHZURWH,QÀDWLRQLQV*HUPDQ\PHDQWWKDWWKHH[FKDQJHUDWHFKDQJHGIURPKRXUWRKRXUDQGWKDWGDLO\VWDSOHVDWWKHLULQÀDWHG prices, could cost millions of marks. The day before Alf Ross had purchased marks at 14,000 for one hundred kroner. The next morning Alf Ross read in the newspaper about the ‘unyielding French’ and hurried to the bank where he learned that he could now buy at 17,000 marks to one hundred kroner. Alf Ross had lost money and he did not like it.