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By Peter W. Hawkes (Ed.)

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This staggered configuration leads to a crossing, for k, = 0, of the E , and HH, subbands at d = d , 180 A, where d is the superlattice period if equal InAs and GaSb layer thicknesses are assumed. ---------. 5 1 kl ( K Xlo6 crn-’1 FIG. 19. The quantity (

After Bastard (1988). OPTICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SEMICONDUCTOR HETEROLAYERS 0 50 23 100 L (8, FIG. 10. The energies of bound (solid lines) and virtually bound (dashed lines) states for heavy holes in GaAs-Ga,,,Al,,, As quantum wells are plotted versus the GaAs slab thickness L. After Bastard (1988). e. Al,As quantum wells. 2) in GaAs. For heterostructures whose well acting materials have narrower bandgap than GaAs, the non-parabolicity is more important. This is illustrated in Fig. ,,Cd, ,,Te well thickness L.

BASTARD, C. DELALANDE, Y. GULDNER AND P. VOISIN functions outside the GaAs layers. 65% for Eland HH1 states respectively. In Figs. 9 and 10, we show the L dependences of the electron and heavy hole bound states in G ~ A S - G ~ ~ ~ ~quantum A ~ ~ , , wells. A S The dashed lines which appear above V, and I V,l are the locii of the transmission resonances in the quantum well continuum. They fulfill: kALA = pn; p = 1,2,. . (54) where k, is the wave-vector appropriate to electron and heavy hole in the GaAs layer respectively.

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