By Wing-huen Ip
"Advances in Geosciences" is the results of a concerted attempt in bringing the most recent effects and making plans actions concerning earth and area technological know-how in Asia and the foreign area. the amount editors are all major scientists of their learn fields masking 5 sections: good Earth (SE), sun Terrestrial (ST), Planetary technological know-how (PS), Hydrological technological know-how (HS), and Oceans and Atmospheres (OA). the most goal is to spotlight the medical concerns necessary to the research of earthquakes, tsunamis, weather switch, drought, flood, typhoons, area weathers, and planetary exploration.
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Additional info for Advanced in Geosciences, V5: Oceans and Atmosphe(OA) (2006)(en)(500s)
Example text
In contrast, previous climatological studies in the middle of the twentieth century describe the controlling synoptic scale influence producing dust as only high pressure systems in the Great Australian Bight generating south to southeast winds following frontal systems across eastern Australia. These climatological differences in those synoptic to large-scale circulation characteristics that are related to dust events are currently being investigated and will be reported on in the near future. References 1.
3) Ophiolite-hosted copper mineralization associated with the major strike slip fault in the Macquarie Ridge Complex. (4) Submerged extensions of prospective land based terranes, for example, the iron oxide–copper–gold potential in the Gawler Craton, South Australia. It is a reasonable assumption that a similar pattern of mineral occurrences and more significant deposits would be found offshore, if exploration were to proceed in that environment. Prospective terranes for other styles of mineralization also extend offshore and offer potential for new mineral discoveries in the future.
Leslie, Wind erosion prediction over the Australian continent, J. Geophys. Res. 102, D25 (1997) 30,091–30,105. 4. H. Lu and Y. Shao, Toward quantitative prediction of dust storms: An integrated wind erosion modelling system and its applications, Environ. Modell. Software 16 (2001) 233–249. 5. Y. Shao, L. M. Leslie and 7 others, Northeast Asian dust storms: Real-time numerical prediction and validation. J. Geophys. Res. 1029/2003JD003667. 6. Z. Guocai and S. Zhenxin, Operational duststorm prediction in China — an overview, WMO Bull.