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By Michael G. Flaherty

Time, it's been stated, is the enemy. In an period of harried lives, time turns out more and more worthwhile as hours and days telescope and our lives frequently appear to be flitting earlier. And but, at different occasions, the mins drag on, every one tick of the clock excruciatingly drawn out. What explains this seeming paradox? established upon an entire decade's empirical learn, Michael G. Flaherty's new publication bargains extraordinary insights in this so much common human event. Flaherty surveys thousands of people of every age in an try and verify how such phenomena as ache, violence, probability, boredom, excitement, focus, surprise, and novelty impression our conception of time. Their tales make for fascinating analyzing, through turns widely used and unique, mundane and dramatic, awful and humorous. A qualitative and quantitative travel de strength, A Watched Pot provides what may be the 1st absolutely built-in conception of time and should be of curiosity to scientists, humanists, social scientists and the trained public alike. a decision notable educational booklet.

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Yet, by virtue of its very prevalence and necessity, synchronicity is a tacit and largely taken-forgranted aspect of social interaction. Consequently, it is the most difficult form of lived duration to study, as people in everyday life do not find it remarkable, and they are puz­ zled when asked about it. Strictly speaking, then, syn­ chronicity is not quite a facet of consciousness. Ironically, Paradoxical Variation / 36 its presence is marked by the near absence of one’s attention to the passage of time.

For the entire time, all I did was stare. I don’t think I blinked even once. And, for the principal character in Tom Clancy’s novels, it could be a fear of flying: They were only ninety minutes out of Oceana Naval Air Station at Virginia Beach. 16 Still, the transition from suffering to emotions is not as straightforward as the discussion thus far might lead one to think. 17 For example, intense enjoyment of music can induce protracted duration: A certain kind of music has a strange effect on me .

Italics added] Thus, we do not need recourse to earthquakes and pogroms. Eventfulness can have a similarly anomalous ef­ fect on the perceived passage of time even when that event­ fulness takes the form of nothing more exotic than an un­ usually busy shift at work. Note that their time at work seems to pass slowly even though the two women in the preceding narratives must deal with abnormally abundant demands on their attention. Earlier in this chapter, we saw Paradoxical Variation / 32 that a slow night at work can seem interminable.

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