Download A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, Fifth by J. A. Cuddon PDF

By J. A. Cuddon

With new entries and delicate edits, this 5th version areas J.A. Cuddon’s critical dictionary firmly within the twenty first Century.

  • Written in a transparent and hugely readable sort
  • Comprehensive ancient insurance extending from precedent days to the current day
  • Broad highbrow and cultural diversity
  • Expands at the earlier version to include the latest  literary terminology
  • New fabric is especially concentrated in components equivalent to gender reports and queer concept, post-colonial idea, post-structuralism, post-modernism, narrative thought, and cultural reviews.
  • Existing entries were edited to make sure that issues obtain balanced therapy


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Extra info for A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, Fifth Edition

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The principles involved in this fallacy can also be applied to prose works. See intentional fallacy. affective stylistics See reader-response theory. ). The usual phrase is ‘divine afflatus’. ) or the gods. See donnée; fancy and imagination; invention; ligne donnée. African-American Studies An interdisciplinary academic field (previously more widely known as ‘Black Studies’) devoted to the study of the culture, history, politics and sociology of African-Americans. , such as W. E. B. Du Bois, to consider slavery and its aftermath from the perspective of blacks.

2. When two or more alternative meanings are resolved into one. 3. When two apparently unconnected meanings are given simultaneously. 4. When alternative meanings combine to make clear a complicated state of mind in the author. 5. A kind of confusion when a writer discovers his idea while actually writing. In other words, he has not apparently preconceived the idea but come upon it during the act of creation. 28 amphibrach 6. Where something appears to contain a contradiction and the reader has to find interpretations.

Shakespeare adopted this device several times. Two classic examples are the references to the clock in Julius Caesar and to billiards in Antony and Cleopatra. Shaw also does it in Androcles and the Lion when the Emperor is referred to as ‘The Defender of the Faith’. See anachorism. anaclasis (Gk ‘back bending’) When the positions of a long and short syllable in verse are interchanged. anacoluthon (Gk ‘lacking sequence’) Beginning a sentence in one way and continuing or ending it in another. ’ anacreóntica A Spanish poetic genre named after the Greek poet Anacreon of Teos (6th c.

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