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By O. Knowles

Newly revised and enlarged, the second one version of A Conrad Chronology attracts upon a wealthy diversity of released and unpublished fabrics. It bargains a close real list of Joseph Conrad's unfolding lifestyles as seaman and author in addition to tracing the compositional and ebook heritage of his significant works.

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Extra info for A Conrad Chronology

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20 Wells's presentation copy to JC of The First Men in the Moon (1901) dated. Sends regular batches of 'Typhoon' to JBP during the month. December 3 (Mon) JC's forty-third birthday. 11 Attends a dinner party given by JG at Kettner's Restaurant (with Pawling, Meldrum, McClure and EG) and stays overnight with JG. 12 While in London, sees his banker and then asks Meldrum whether Blackwood would stand surety for a loan of £250. Asks for a further loan of £50, which he never repays. 19 JG has recently made a pre-Christmas visit.

Introduces Jessie to the EGs at the Ceame. Is now virtually ready to abandon The Sisters in favour of a new project, The Rescuer (later The Rescue), an ill-fated work which will cause the first major creative crisis of his writing career until he puts it aside too in early 1899. He intermittently returns to the novel - or plans to do so - for many years, but does not finally finish it until 1919. JC and Jessie, though both of Catholic upbringing, are married at a registry office in Hanover Square, with Hope, Krieger and Jessie's mother as witnesses.

26 (or 3 Dec) Has been 'absolutely bogged down' with OI for the last fortnight (to MP). According to Jessie, she and JC renew contact about this time, when JC turns up unexpectedly and takes Jessie and her mother out to dine, the first of several 'jaunts' ace, p. 11). 20 A Conrad Chronology December 3 (Mon) JC's thirty-seventh birthday. 6 (or 13) Agonisingly slow progress on OI - 'Six lines in six days' (to MP). 24 Receives first proofs of AF. 27 Eight chapters of OI completed, the novel is now given its final title.

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