By Warren French (auth.)
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From the novel Beggars of L(fe by Jim Tully (produced 1925). With Gods of the Lightning, 1929. Forfeits (produced 1926). Saturday's Children (produced 1927). 1926. Gypsy (produced 1929). Shortened version in The Best Plays of /928-29, edited by Burns Mantle, 1929. Gods of the Lightning, with Harold Hickerson (produced 1928). 1929. Elizabeth the Queen (produced 1930). 1930. Night over Taos (produced 1932). 1932. fe (produced 1932). Both Your Houses (produced 1933). 1933. Mary of Scotland (produced 1933).
New York. Since 1974, Professor of English, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. Since 1976, Poetry Editor, Partisan Review, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Recipient: Fulbright Fellowship, 1955, 1956; Yale Series of Younger Poets Award, 1956; Poets Foundation grant, 1960, 1964; Ingram Merrill Foundation grant, 1962, 1972; Guggenheim Fellowship, 1967, 1973; National Endowment for the Arts grant, 1968, 1969; National Institute of Arts and Letters award, 1969; Shelley Memorial Award, 197 3; Modern Poetry Association Frank O'Hara Prize, I 97 4; National Book Critics Circle Award.
A musical-comedy satire on American assumption of the "white man's burden" in the South Pacific; The County Chairman, a comedy-drama about politics in the rural Mid-West; and his best play, The College Widow, which introduced college life and football to the American stage. --charles Fanning AGEE, James. American. Born in Knoxville, Tennessee, 27 November 1909. A. 1932. Settled in New York City, 1932; statfwriter for the Luce publications Fortune and Time, 1932-48: Film Reviewer for Time, 1941-48; Film Critic, The Nation, 1943-48.