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By Charles Verlinden

Essays, Colonial experiences

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Sometimes, according to this account, one ship alone would transport more than a hundred of these unfortunate creatures, among them Welshmen, Bretons, North Africans, and especially Saxons, great numbers of whom were thrown onto the market at that time. The slave boats which our seventh-century saint met were thus no less laden than the Portuguese sailing ships of the middle of the fifteenth century which plied the seas between the western coasts of Africa and Lisbon with their holds full of Negroes.

Both of them maintained slavery but fed it henceforth from different sources. In Aragon, especially in Catalonia and Majorca, both of which played an active part in Mediterranean trade, slaves would be mainly imported from the Levant and the Black Sea. In Portugal slavery underwent a period of vegetation but then took on new strength with the beginning of expansion in Africa. This evolution again was reflected in the vocabulary of the institution. In Mediterranean Spain, the slaves imported from the east of the Mediterranean basin and the area of the Black Sea became increasingly numerous during the fourteenth century; at this time the Latin term sclauus and its Catalan equivalent sclau became prevalent.

The Arabs had first introduced it there too at some time during their possession of the island up to the middle of the eleventh century. About 1200 a crisis arose which Frederick II later tried to remedy by sending for master sugar-makers from the oldest production centers in Palestine. He had very little success,and in the fourteenth century the cultivation of sugar cane decreased. But in 1449 a new press was invented which restored prosperity. Production increased immediately in the coastal regions, and the Sicilian refineries became more numerous than before.

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