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By Mikhail B. Sevryuk

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Whenever two dynamical systems are topological equivalent then fixed points are mapped to fixed points, periodic orbits are mapped to periodic orbits of period To, and the eigenvalues are the same in both systems but for a positive multiplicative (cf. 9 on page 185). ' At a bifurcation point the dynamical system becomes structurally unstable. For this purpose, let us discuss what kind of dynamics we can obtain if we change the number of players in the differential game from eight to two. 6 on the next page.

The core C( v) for a convex game (N, v) is the unique stable set for the game. Proof A proof can be found in (Driessen, 1988, p. 133). 3 The Bargaining set Both solution concepts treated so far have the limitation that they can be empty. Thus, for an empty core at least one coalition can block a possible agreement into the grand coalition . Now, we introduce the solution concept of a bargaining set which is always nonempty. The bargaining set represents all possible solutions which are stabilized by an abstract bargaining procedure relying on objections and counterobjections made by single players .

In a common pool setting player i can make a strategy decision Xi E Xi extracting parts of the common resource. The return of investment in a common pool resource (CPR) depends not only on the decision undertaken by player i but also on the actions chosen by the other players . To determine the whole group return in a common resource investment the joint action of the whole group must be considered. We identify the joint strategy vector X with the corresponding measure on N, such that x (N ) = I:iEN Xi which implies that we can express the whole group ° 52 The Common Pool Game return on investment by f(x(N)) .

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