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By Daniel Martin

This account of easy manifold conception and worldwide research, in accordance with senior undergraduate and post-graduate classes at Glasgow collage for college kids and researchers in theoretical physics, has been confirmed over a long time. The remedy is rigorous but much less condensed than in books written essentially for natural mathematicians. necessities contain wisdom of uncomplicated linear algebra and topology. Topology is incorporated in appendices simply because many classes on arithmetic for physics scholars don't contain this subject.

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E*,®.. ® e ® e ' ' ® . l(ii). Hence Γ/· · · / ' c, ® . ®e, ®e'<®.. ®e>' = Γ/' /- e, ® . ®e, ®e>>®.. ®e'' and so a unique tensor is defined by the given set of numbers and their law of transformation. Π Sec. 1] Tensors 33 Some special cases of the last theorem are these: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (ν) For a contravariant vector u, u'" = A ·" u'. For a covariant vector ω, ω,. = A •· ω,. For a contravariant tensor Τ of order 2, Τ = A /' Λ/' Γ'Λ For a covariant tensor Τ of order 2, Γ,γ = A j.

10 31 For a change of basis from (e,) to (ey), where ey = A [• e , we have that x' = A' x'' and hence that A$. =A\. =Al = l and that all remaining coefficients are zero. Then ( To. = r i4. A{. 0 Tj = A S ' A?. TQO + AJ}. A\. T 0i 2 = cosh α sinh α T w r +A& A° T y 2 + cosh aT + sinh ar, + cosha sinha 01 0 + A^. A\. l0 T n and T. l0 2 = cosh α sinh α Τ ω 2 + sinh aT , + cosh aT + cosh a sinh a T „ 0 10 T u Sec. 1] Tensors 39 Hence TOT — ΊΊ·ο· = ΤΌι - T* . 10 (ii) is proved similarly. Symmetric and skew-symmetric tensors A contravariant tensor Τ of order 2 is said to be symmetric if Τ(ω, σ) = Τ(σ, ω) for all 1-forms (covectors) ω and σ.

Q We are now ready to define the Hodge star operator. Let ω be a fixed p-form and σ any (n-p)-form. Then the mapping from A" '(i/,) A"(V„), defined by σι-»ωΛσ, is linear and we may write - / t o ωΛσ=/(ω,σ) e'A.. Ae" , where (e') is the basis dual to the basis (e ) of V„, and/(ω, o)e R is linear in σ. 1 applied to the vector space A" '(V„) there exists a unique element *a>of A"-''(V„) such that/ϊω,σ) = (*ω, σ). Thus t _/ ω Λ σ = (*ω,σ) e'A.. Ae (2) The mapping: A''(V„)-> A"-''(K„) taking ω to *ω as defined by (2) is called the Hodge star operator and *ω is called the dual of ω.

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