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By Thomas N. Bisson

The authors of Cultures of energy proffer varied views at the prehistory of presidency in Northern France, Spain, Germany, the Low nations, and England. Political, social, ecclesiastical, and cultural heritage are dropped at endure on themes resembling aristocracies, ladies, rituals, commemoration, and manifestations of strength via literary, criminal, and scriptural capacity.

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Jan Dhondt, "Medieval 'Solidarities': Flemish Society in Transition, n27-1128," tr. Frederic L. Cheyette, in Lordship and Community in Medin,al Europe: Selected Readings, ed. Fredric L. Cheyette (Huntingdon, NY, 1968), pp. 276-79. Galbert calls Erembald a homo et miles, while the Passio Karoli calls him a dapiferus (Warlop, Flemish Nobility 3:457 n. 3); in 1089 Erembald and his eldest son Robert were listed as witnesses among the nobiles (Warlop, 1:116). See also R. C. Van Caenegem, "Galbert of Bruges on Serfdom, Prosecution of Crime, and Constitutionalism (1127-28)," in Law, Custom, and the Social Fabric in Medieval Europe: Essays inHonorofBryce Lyon, ed.

To view lineage in its most restricted sense as descent and inheritance only through the eldest son of the patrilineage is to miss the extraordinary diversity of traditions, attitudes, and fates of noble families in the twelfth century, when primogeniture was still only preferential, not exclusionary. Moreover, female descent played a significant role in both the preservation of lineages (through a sister's children) and the circulation of cadets (who assumed their wives' inheritances). In sum, a broader conception of lineage that sees all noble-born children as entitled accords far better with the families reviewed here.

62-63). Guy of Garlande's sons Anselm I and Pagan (who died before n66) witnessed. The loan might have been a disguised sale. 67. William of Tyre twice mentions Guy I of Possesse in the company of a Garlande, as if they were fast companions, on the First Crusade; see above n. 6I. 68. Bautier, "Paris au temps d'Abelard," pp. 58, 7I-72, 76-77, suggests that Heloise was a Garlande through her mother by an irregular union; such a relationship, claims Bautier, would explain Suger's expulsion of the nuns from Argenteuil where she was prioress.

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