By Damian Smith
In accordance with wide learn of the first and secondary assets, Damian J. Smith the following presents the 1st complete account of the mixed impression of campaign, heresy and inquisition in and concerning the lands of the Crown of Aragon until eventually the loss of life of James I the Conqueror in 1276. This paintings offers with the sluggish lack of effect of the Crown in Provence and Languedoc culminating within the treaty of Corbeil in 1258. It then investigates the level of heresy within the lands of the Crown and in different parts of Christian Spain. within the ultimate half, the origins and improvement of the Aragonese inquisition are mentioned intimately with a selected emphasis at the function of Ramon de Penyafort.
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Example text
The pope, however much he wished to, could not abandon the crusade if heresy remained. 133 If the heresy was left without having been uprooted in entirety it would prove worse than before. 134 Peter II’s argument rested on heresy having been defeated and there were insufficient people in a position to act who actually believed this to be true. The path from diplomacy to action followed the failure of Peter’s intervention. The formation of what might have but never did become the Gran Corona de Aragón followed the failure of the king’s arguments before the council of Lavaur.
Ubieto Arteta, ‘La peregrinación de Alfonso II de Aragón a Santiago’, Estudios de Edad Media de la Corona de Aragón, 5 (1952), 438–52. The Languedocian participation in the pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the initial period of crusading is well-known but for many pilgrims from the diocese of Urgell, see Baraut, ‘Els documents dels anys 1101–1150, de l’arxiu capitular de la Seu d’Urgell’, Urgellia, 9 (1988–9), nos. 1191, 1197, 1218, 1233, 1244, 1261, 1265, 1280, 1281, 1292, 1337, 1395, 1396, 1452, 1467, 1478.
Les divergències de l’evolució entre Occitània i Catalunya (segles IX–XIII)’, in Càtars i trobadors, 68–75. 63 Débax, ‘El fracàs de l’Estat occità’, 68–70. 64 Débax, ‘El fracàs de l’Estat occità’, 73–5; A. Kosto, Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the Written Word, 1000–1200 (Cambridge, 2001). 65 LFM, nos. 814–37; F. 69 That recognition, alongside sworn fidelity for castles in the viscounties of Ambialet, Béziers and Agde first agreed in the previous year,70 was connected with the second great moment in the expansion of the power of the house of Barcelona in the region.