Download Bicycle Shop Murder (Greg Tenorly Mystery Series, Book 1) by Robert Burton Robinson PDF

By Robert Burton Robinson

Greg Tenorly lives a quiet and lonely existence in a small East Texas city, until eventually he's chosen as a juror for a homicide trial. a gorgeous, mysterious redhead befriends him, and turns out to have a romantic curiosity. yet is she in basic terms utilizing him to steer the result of the trial? via the tip of the 1st week, 3 humans hooked up with the case are lifeless, and Greg is starting to worry for his personal existence. he's now confident robust Dallas lawyer is directing the homicide spree in his little city. yet why? he's made up our minds to determine. yet his research simply may perhaps earn him a place on the best of the hit record.

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It was 10:00 PM, and what did she think she was doing staying out so late? Had she been whoring around? But she didn’t care what Troy said tonight. It was worth it. And she discovered that she could still sing, and it was so much fun. He would throw a fit if she told him she wanted to go every Wednesday night and every Sunday morning. But he was going to yell about something. Might as well be something she cared about. Sports Center was just starting, and Troy seemed more interested in watching baseball highlights than in hassling her.

And as such, we hate to see him facing life in prison. But just like the uncle or cousin who can’t seem to stay out of trouble—sometimes there’s nothing you can do to help him. And he must pay for what he’s done—even though he’s part of the family. “We have no way of knowing what Kantrell Jamison was thinking when he entered Sam Spokane’s Bicycle Shop on the evening of April 1st. ” She began to act out what she was saying. “We know that he picked up a bicycle chain, gripped it with both hands, got behind Sam Spokane and pulled the chain tightly across Sam’s neck.

She attempted to reach out to him, as though she would have been able to stand up if she just had a helping hand. But instead of taking her hand, he placed his hands on the sides of her head. What was he doing? Then he pulled her head up off the sidewalk— higher and higher, until she thought her neck would break. He slowly turned her head to the side and then slammed it down on the concrete as hard as he could. She felt excruciating pain, and then…nothing. Chapter 10 It was Wednesday, 9:05 AM. Greg Tenorly and his eleven fellow jurors were in their places.

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